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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Ten Languages which are important for tech sectors

Here is a list made by somebody in the internet(taken
from Google answers). One may agree or not but it does
give some idea.

[1] English, one would imagine is the most lucrative
language. The
very fact that most of the transactions are done in
English subscribes
this view.

Other languages which are likely to be lucrative are:

[2] Chinese. There are a huge number of software
professionals from
China and operating in China. Chinese gadgets are
among the finest in
the world, and the economy is looking up.

[3] Japanese. Japan is the hub for hardware. Japanese
technology is so
advanced that even USA has no answer.

[4] German. The German IT market is opening up. With
companies like
SAP cutting their way into the market, learning German
is imperative
if you want to have dealings with Europe

[5] Korean. Korea, like Japan has got amazing
technology. It probably
has to do with the fact that Korea is so close to

[6] French. Yet another language for the European
market. French is
the most widely spoken non-English language in Europe,
and knowing
French can certainly help in dealing with clients.

[7] Portugese. The South American IT industry is
centrlized in Brazil,
the main language spoken being Portugese.

[8] Spanish is another language which is useful in
dealing with
European and South American clients.

[9] Swedish. Sweden is one of the premier European
countries in the
technology sector.

[10] Russian. If you plan to have dealings with
Russia, you have to
know Russian. Russian scientists are the best
scientists in the world

read rest of the article at

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Anonymous said...

Hi Orsom,

Even though I don't exactly disagree with what that person said, I believe that the Arabic language is going to be the new Rain-Maker of the translation business.

Arabic has so many things going for it nowadays that it seems only natural that the Arabic language translation is going to be a very promising opportunity in the very near future.

But hey, perhaps I'm biased ;-)

All the best,